The Ocean Mag

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crevette rimicaris Ifremer abysses

14 things you just have to know about the abyss


Find out more about what lies beneath the surface, all the way down to the farthest depths of the ocean.

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67 results

  • Manchot empereur, quels animaux en Antarctique ?

    What animals live in Antarctica?

    Biodiversity 6mn

    Considering the extreme climatic conditions of this environm...

  • morse en arctique

    What animals live in the Arctic?

    Biodiversity 5mn

    Around the Arctic Circle, the cold does not deter animal lif...

  • What are the challenges for the COP 28?

    The Ocean and the Climate 4mn

    The 28th COP in Dubai will be the occasion for a first Globa...

  • What is a COP?

    The Ocean and the Climate 2mn

    The subject of climate change is becoming more and more prom...

  • What do fish look like in the water colu...

    Biodiversity 2mn

    Depending on whether they live in open water or on the botto...

  • haute mer

    What are the high seas?

    High Seas 6mn

    High seas or international waters? Where do the high seas be...

  • glacier, chagement climatique : qu'est ce que le giec ?

    What is the IPCC?

    The Ocean and the Climate 3mn

    The IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has exi...

  • Whale

    What is the IUCN Red List?

    Biodiversity 2mn

    The IUCN status, which ranges from "least concern" to "extin...

  • What is marine renewable energy?

    Blue Innovation 2mn

    Humanity can depend on the resources of the ocean to satisfy...

  • requin gris dans le grand bassin de la haute mer à nausicaa

    What do sharks eat?

    Biodiversity 4mn

    The image of a voracious shark constantly on the lookout for...

  • Méduse aurélie Aurelia aurita

    What should you do if you are stung by j...

    Biodiversity 2mn

    Here's what to do if you've been stung by a jellyfish, so th...

  • What is tidal energy?

    Blue Innovation 1mn

    The ocean holds tremendous potential for renewable energy.