2024 a crucial year for the deep seabed

This year, Nausicaá is taking you on a journey to discover the mysteries of the abyss

New 2024 exhibition : Journey into the abyss

As you explore the “Journey on the High Seas” tour, don’t miss out on the brand new exhibition dedicated to the Abyss. 

Embark on a unique journey to explore the creatures of the abyss and learn why it is so important to protect the deep seabed


Year 2024: We must all join forces to protect the deep seabed, a world that we know so little about but essential


The abyss, the collective heritage of mankind, is a priceless treasure. Nausicaá is appealing to as many people as possible to join forces in preserving this fascinating world, from which we still have a great deal to learn and discover.

Soirée rencontre avec l'Ifremer

Revoir la conférence pour en savoir plus sur les grands fonds marins.

Revoir la conférence

Tout comprendre sur les abysses

  • Amphithéatre de la salle de la grande Baie

    Episode 1

    Découvrez les mystères des grands fonds marins avec Samuel, médiateur scientifique à Nausicaá.




  • Amphithéatre de la salle de la grande Baie

    Episode 2

    Découvrez à quoi ressemblent les abysses avec Coline, médiatrice scientifique à Nausicaá. Les profondeurs océaniques regorgent de mystères. 



  • Amphithéatre de la salle de la grande Baie

    Episode 3

    Le saviez-vous ? Les abysses sont aujourd'hui menacés par l'exploitation minière sous-marine ! 





Our Mag articles

Pacifique SW_Ifremer

The deep seabed: its future is still unc...

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The future of the deep seabed at stake at the ISA: moratoriu...

Why are we talking about the abyss?

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The abyss is a mysterious environment because it is largely ...

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14 things you just have to know about th...

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Find out more about what lies beneath the surface, all the w...

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The deep seabed, a hostile and uncharted...

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Total darkness, pressure and cold: extreme conditions to exp...

Exploring the abyss: a new adventure dow...

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New underwater technologies for deep-sea exploration.

Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer, Image courtesy of NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, 2016 Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas

The Mariana Trench, an adventure 11,000 ...

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Discover the deepest place on the planet!

Bioluminescence: why do the animals in t...

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Bioluminescence, an example of how life has adapted to condi...

What is the water column?

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What lies beneath the surface of the ocean?

Méduse de profondeur NOOA

Geography of the abyss: what does the de...

Abyss 3mn

Can you imagine that beneath the surface of the ocean, there...