2024 a crucial year for the deep seabed

This year, Nausicaá is taking you on a journey to discover the mysteries of the abyss

New 2024 exhibition : Journey into the abyss

From June 7th, as you explore the “Journey on the High Seas” tour, don’t miss out on the brand new exhibition dedicated to the Abyss. 

Embark on a unique journey to explore the creatures of the abyss and learn why it is so important to protect the deep seabed


Year 2024: We must all join forces to protect the deep seabed, a world that we know so little about but essential


The abyss, the collective heritage of mankind, is a priceless treasure. Nausicaá is appealing to as many people as possible to join forces in preserving this fascinating world, from which we still have a great deal to learn and discover.


Our events dedicated to the deep seabed

“Secrets of the Abyss” exhibition

From the 1st of April, come and see the exhibition produced by Ifremer and illustrated by the photographs of Gilles Martin. These photographs highlight the work of the scientists at Ifremer who explore the abyss and help to improve our knowledge of this fragile environment.


Soirée rencontre avec l'Ifremer

Le 6 juin, participez à la soirée rencontre "Destination Abysses" avec la présence d'experts scientifiques de l'Ifremer. Cette soirée débutera à 19 h 30 devant la grande baie, pour une plongée dans les mystères des grands fonds marins.
Gratuit sur inscription

En savoir plus

Evening screening on diving

On the 19th of April, discover the fascinating history of diving with the screening of the documentary by RMC Découverte and Bonne pioche: Abysses, la conquête des grands fonds. The history of diving, from the beginnings of underwater exploration to the present day.
Event free of charge (booking)


Theatre evening ISLUNK-ABYSSES

On the 8th of June 2024 at 7.30 pm., take a plunge into the imaginary world where the audience will become a witness.
A series of amusing but insightful aquatic encounters, with an analysis of the circumstances of life.
50% of the proceeds will be donated to the endowment fund.


Special evening Archaeology in the Abyss

On the 17th of June, watch a documentary on the technical and technological prowess of “Ocean one”, the humanoid archaeology robot capable of visiting the depths of the ocean!
Event free of charge (booking required).

Dinner in the depths

On the 29th of June 2024, treat yourself, your family and your friends to a dinner with a breathtaking view of the biodiversity in front of the giant viewing panel.
Find out more on the topic of the deep sea!
Tickets available online soon.

The European Researchers’ Night

On the 27th of September, Nausicaa will be hosting the European Researchers Night on the crucial theme of plastic pollution, from the surface of the oceans to the depths of the sea. This edition, which is part of the TREASURE project, is supported by the European Commission.On the 27th of September,


Our Mag articles

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