Education at Nausicaa

Invite the ocean into your classroom

Design your educational project

As part of an excursion or an educational project, Nausicaá is an opportunity to experience an enlightening adventure full of surprises through fun and interactive learning.

Make the most of our team of scientific mediators and teachers appointed by the Rectorate of the Lille Academy, to help you with your educational project on the Ocean and sustainable development!

Découvrez votre brochure scolaire

Cette toute nouvelle brochure scolaire facilite l’accès aux informations et ressources dont vous avez besoin, pour que vos élèves ou étudiants puissent mieux découvrir et mieux comprendre ce bien commun de l’humanité, et qu’ensemble nous puissions faire grandir la citoyenneté en faveur de notre si précieuse planète bleue !

Our commitments

  • Foster a culture of the sea

    for everyone based on a sustainable, scientifically rigorous and sensitive approach

  • Convey and share knowledge

    on all topics related to humankind and the sea, whether they are emerging or complex.

  • Contribute to education on sustainable development

    and teaching innovation in pursuit of the sustainable development targets of the United Nations.

  • Roll out

    the commitment for the Ocean together

Get on board for three truly unique experiences

Vivez la course des caps avec Nausicaá

Une journée exclusive 100% Océan dédiée à vos élèves, comprenant la visite de l'aquarium, l'animation "Course des Caps et culture Océan" offerte et la visite du village des IMOCA.
Téléchargez notre kit pédagogique complet destiné aux enseignants des cycles 2 et 3.

En savoir plus

Journey on the high seas

Marvel at the great ocean show


Mankind and shores

Come aboard for your first tour of the world's seas



The European project TREASURE is setting up 5 living labs bringing together actors who will work to reduce plastic waste in rivers up to the North Sea.


Découvrez la visite scolaire à Nausicaá