Embark on your first tour of the world's seas

Mankind and shores

Passing through the North Sea, the Mediterranean, the Tropics, the coast of California…

Mankind and Shores

The Visitor Routes

The Global Ocean

Enter the Mankind and Shores tour and discover the five oceans making up the Global Ocean.
Immersion guaranteed!

History of the islands

Embark for a faraway island and set out to discover exotic landscapes populated by astonishing animals. From island to island, the islanders share with you the challenges facing them.

The diamond

Get carried away by the magic of this diamond that gives pride of place to the silvery scales of the tuna.

Stopovers in the Mediterranean

Dive into the heart of a real wreck in the Mediterranean! You'll be able to watch the moray eels, seahorses, groppers and crayfish.

Journeys in the North Sea

You can discover the North Sea, at the gateway to Nausicaá, walking along the Opal Coast.
Learn more about the rich, but endangered, diversity that lives there!

The Californian tank

The waters of the Pacific contribute to regulating the global climate. During your visit discover the kelp that inhabits this space. It's the largest seaweed in the world: it can reach a length of up to 50m!

Tropical lagoon

A place where you can see hundreds of tropical fish in dazzling colours.
Currently closed for renovation.

The coral jungle

Colourful and living, corals are little animals that are essential for maintaining marine biodiversity.
You'll be enthralled by their shapes and colours - discover how important their restoration is!

The sea lions' tunnel

Advance through the sea lions' tunnel, immersed in a one-million litre tank! Let yourself be charmed by these animals with astonishing capabilities!

The touch pool

Experience a direct contact with the animals! Place your hand close to the surface of the water to stroke the pollack, rays and dogfish!
Above the touch tank, the Estuaires : vues du ciel, vies du sable exhibition invites visitors to discover the species that live there, from invertebrates to seals.

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At sea on-board the Thalassa

Live the unique experience of an oceanographic campaign on-board one of the Ifremer's research ships. From embarkation to the fish sorting room, you'll see how the scientists work!


Become an enlightened consumer of the produce of the sea! Via a Digital Food Bar, choose your fish on the stall and see how the whole sea produce sector is impacted!

The sunken forest

In the heart of the tropical forest, discover a theatrical and poetic staging that will take you on a dreamlike journey…
Inhabited by cayman and freshwater fish, the sunken forest reminds us that with each of our gestures we can preserve the diversity of life and thus preserve our future!

The Ocean Mag

Browse through our Ocean Mag

In the spotlight

10 things you need to know about jellyfish

Found in all the world's seas, the jellyfish intrigues and fascinates. But watch out, you might get burnt !

méduse dorée à nausicaa


Which jellyfish can be found along our coasts?

From the North Sea to the Mediterranean, the jellyfish can leave burning memories for swimmers who come into contact with them.


Discover the history of the Blue Jellyfish at Nausicaá

New at Nausicaá! A new species of jellyfish makes its first appearance in the Mankind and Shores exhibition.