The Ocean Mag

Articles to be enjoyed without moderation.

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Portugal to ban deep-sea mining


The Portuguese Parliament has adopted a moratorium banning seabed mining in its territorial waters until 2050.

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83 results

  • méduse dorée à nausicaa

    10 things you need to know about jellyfi...

    Biodiversity 6mn

    Found in all the world's seas, the jellyfish intrigues and f...

  • crevette rimicaris Ifremer abysses

    14 things you just have to know about th...

    Abyss 7mn

    Find out more about what lies beneath the surface, all the w...

  • poisson ogre

    Do the animals of the deep deserve their...

    Abyss 2mn

    Or are they simply victims of their looks?

  • Sélènes juvéniles nées à Nausicaa

    Atlantic lookdowns from the breeding pro...

    Biodiversity 3mn

    On 15 July, 40 juvenile Atlantic lookdowns, born thanks to t...

  • Atlantic Pygmy Devil Ray, a subject of c...

    Biodiversity 3mn

    The collaboration between a researcher and the caretakers of...

  • Auks and penguins: what's the difference...

    Biodiversity 5mn

    Are they the same animals, the same species or are they diff...

  • Le poisson cardinal de Banggai ou Apogon de Banggai Pterapogon kauderni

    The Banggaï cardinalfish, a real superda...

    Biodiversity 2mn

    In order to breed, the male Banggaï cardinalfish recovers th...

  • Bentix

    Blue Innovation 2mn

    BentiX is an innovative ROV underwater drone project incubat...

  • Biodiversity COP and Climate COP: what a...

    International news 5mn

    In November 2024, two Conferences of the Parties will take p...

  • Biodiversity on the High Seas at long la...

    Biodiversity 4mn

    In 2018, an ambitious initiative for the ocean was launched.

  • Biodiversity in the open sea: from the s...

    Biodiversity 8mn

    Off the coast, beyond the territorial waters, lies the high ...

  • Bioluminescence: why do the animals in t...

    Abyss 6mn

    Bioluminescence, an example of how life has adapted to condi...