Blackback Anemonefish

Blackback Anemonefish

  Tropical reef fish

Blackback Anemonefish

Identity card

Blackback Anemonefish

Scientific name:
Amphiprion frenatus
Year of description:
Brevoort, 1856
IUCN Status:
Least Concern

North-West Pacific and East Asia.


Anemonefish are the only fish that can live in contact with the venomous tentacles of sea anemones.


It can measure up to 14 cm.


The Anemonefish is omnivorous. It likes to eat small crustaceans such as tubifex, artemia, cyclops, or daphnia.

Did you know?

The Anemonefish is omnivorous. It likes to eat small crustaceans such as tubifex, artemia, cyclops, or daphnia. In a couple, the female is always larger than the male.


Blackback Anemonefish

Every individual is initially male, before growing up and (eventually) turning into a female

Where is the animal to be found?

This very colourful fish lives in close proximity to sea anemones. 

How can it be recognised?

The blackback anemonefish is one of the most colourful anemonefishes. Juveniles have two white stripes, whereas adults have only one stripe on their head. It can measure up to 14 cm.

What is distinctive about it?

Anemonefish are the only fish that can live in contact with the venomous tentacles of sea anemones. They provide them with protection from predators.

Tropical reef fish

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