And in exchange for this protection, this small decapod feeds on sea stars that could become parasites for the coral. The pair of shrimps attack the sea star they want to feast on by turning it over. The tasting session starts with the sea star's arm!

Identity card
Harlequin shrimp
- Scientific name:
- Hymenocera picta
- Family:
- Palaemonidae
- Class:
- Malacostraca
- Phylum:
- Arthropoda
- Year of description:
- Dana, 1852
- IUCN Status:
- Not Evaluated
- Distribution:
Indo-Pacific and Red Sea
- Habitat:
Down to a depth of 20 m
- Size:
3 to 6 cm
- Diet:
Seas stars of the genres Fromia, Nardoa, Linckia and Acanthaster.