sebaste rouge japonais Pentaceros japonicus

Hilgendorf's saucord

  Cold and temperate sea fish

Identity card

Hilgendorf's saucord

Scientific name:
Helicolenus hilgendorfii
Year of description:
Döderlein , 1884
IUCN Status:
Not Evaluated

Northwest Pacific Ocean, Japan and southern Korea southwards to the East China Sea.


Between 150 to 300 metres.


27 cm max.


Prawns and fish.

sébaste rouge japonais

In Japan, Hilgendorf's saucords are called Yumekasago.

Did you know?

Where is the animal to be found?

Japanese redfish live in areas of sandy and muddy substrates, at depths of between 150 and 300 metres. It is found in the north-western Pacific Ocean, from Japan and southern Korea to the East China Sea. 

How can it be recognised?

This redfish has an elongated, compressed body with a large head and is light red in colour with orange-red mottling on its flanks. 

What is distinctive about it?

This carnivorous fish is an opportunistic predator. It feeds on prawns and more fish as it grows.

Where can I find it at Nausicaá?

Journey on the High Seas

sébaste rouge japonais

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