Starry Smoothhound Mustelus asterias

Identity card

Starry Smoothhound

Scientific name:
Mustelus asterias
Year of description:
Cloquet, 1819
IUCN Status:
Near Threatened

Not Evaluated


They are found in the North-eastern Atlantic, from the Shetland Islands down to Morocco and in the Mediterranean Sea.


The starry smooth-hound shark lives in coastal waters at depths of between 5 and 200 metres, on gravel or sandy bottoms.


They measure between 100 and 150 cm and can weigh up to 4.8 kg.


The young feed mainly on crustaceans. Adults move on to fish.

Conservation program:

The starry smoothhound (Mustelus asterias) has become part of a conservation programme in which Nausicaá is involved.

Starry Smoothhound Mustelus asterias

It is sold by fishmongers under the generic name of rock salmon.

It can live in small groups, sometimes in association with other sharks such as school sharks and smoothhounds.

did you know?

Biomimetics: the shark has inspired the creation of some innovative technologies. Its skin has been used as a model for creating antibacterial, hydro/aerodynamic and antifouling clothing; its fins have helped to improve the stability of airplanes thanks to “sharklets” and the shape of its tail has served as inspiration for tidal steam generators.

Where is the animal to be found?

The starry smooth-hound shark lives in coastal waters at depths of between 5 and 200 metres, on gravel or sandy bottoms.

How can it be recognised?

This is a grey shark with white dots on its back. It has a more flexible body than other sharks. They measure between 100 and 150 cm and can weigh up to 4.8 kg.

What is distinctive about it?

The starry smooth-hound shark is aplacental viviparous, meaning that the foetus derives its nutrition from a yolk sac. Gestation lasts between 11 and 13 months. Females can give birth to around 20 young.

Threat and protective measure

Considered to be of least concern before 2020, this species has since been classified as Near Threatened and is continuing to decline. Harvesting is regulated in protected areas and in the Mediterranean Sea.

Where can I find it at Nausicaá?

mankind and shores

Starry Smoothhound Mustelus asterias

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