By joining Nausicaa, you will be part of a team that contributes to our day-to-day mission of raising awareness and enhancing the attractiveness of the area.
Through its educational, scientific mediation and conservation programmes, as well as the wealth of exhibitions on offer and the 58,000 animals on display, each and every day, Nausicaá strives to showcase the beauty, wealth, complexity and vulnerability of the marine world.
Nausicaá is a powerful tourist attraction and an economic development tool for the region. Since its opening, the Centre National de la Mer (National Sea Centre) has attracted more than 19 million visitors.
In 2018, Nausicaá opened a major extension focusing on the high seas, a major challenge for the 21st century. In 2018, Nausicaá also co-organised and hosted the first international meeting on "La haute mer : promesses et enjeux (The high seas: promises and challenges). Furthermore, the dedication shown by Nausicaá earned it the label of Centre of Excellence from the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO in 1999.
Nausicaá is a founding member of the World Ocean Network, an association accredited as an observer to the United Nations, and a partner of the World Ocean Forum. It is also a founding member of the Ocean and Climate Platform (a network of institutions tasked with promoting dialogue with a view to improving the inclusion of the ocean in the fight against climate change).
(At least) six good reasons to submit an application:
- You will become part of a community of women and men who, irrespective of their position, work together to inform, raise awareness and educate visitors about protecting the ocean
- You will contribute to the growth of a company that places CSR at the very heart of its business plan, both internally and in its external activities
- You will be joining a company where social dialogue and the search for quality of life at work are the focus of everyone's efforts
- You will be contributing to an economic model that unites public and private actors to serve the project of a territory
- You are choosing Nausicaa with a score of 94/100 for the gender equality index.
- You will be joining an organisation that invests in training and skills development for its employees and that supports mobility.