Taking action in our day-to-day lives for the climate

The fight against climate change is a vast programme in which every daily action counts and has a positive or negative impact on the climate.

Taking action in our day-to-day lives for the climate

What about me, today, what am I doing for the climate?

At every moment of the day, choices arise: bath or shower? bike or car? new pair of jeans or second-hand clothes? tomatoes in January or seasonal produce?

To be or not to be sustainable, that is the question. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is our mission!

"Think climate!" and reduce our impact on the climate.

"In the Eye of the Climate", Nausicaá's exhibition proposes a series of simple actions to adopt on a daily basis that could contribute to reducing our carbon emissions on a national level if they were applied collectively.

At home, I reduce my energy consumption

I switch off my electrical appliances rather than leaving them on standby.

Spread out over a year, the accumulation of this "low" power consumption can represent a cost that is often greater than the power consumption of the appliance when it is in operation!

I opt for low temperatures when I wash my clothes.

Washing clothes at 30°C uses three times less energy than at 90°C and half as much as at 40°C.

In cold weather, I leave my heating on at night.

The savings made by switching off the appliance are outweighed by the energy needed to make up for the lost degrees. And above all, it is important to improve the insulation of your home.

I will save money! Lowering the average temperature from 21°C to 19°C in a 120 m2 house heated with electricity reduces the bill by 12.5%, i.e. a saving of €484/year.

I select my products

I buy second-hand.

Giving objects a second life is not just an attractive economic opportunity. It means being proactive in avoiding the production of new objects and in reducing waste.

I choose "organic" and "sustainable" clothing.

The production of a men's white cotton T-shirt weighing 155 g emitted 6.5 kg of CO2. It is ten times less for an equivalent T-shirt made with renewable energy and organic cotton.

I do not yield to fast fashion.

The 2000s marked the arrival of fast fashion: ever more clothes at ridiculously low prices. The ecological impact is staggering: the production of textiles represents 1.2 billion metric tons of CO2/year.

I will save money! A typical person in France buys an average of 10 kg of clothes each year. For the health of the planet and my wallet, I buy a blouse for €5 at a second-hand store instead of €25 or so in a shop.

I moderate my communications

I limit the number of e-mails and text messages I send whenever possible.

An e-mail emits 4 g of CO2, and an SMS emits 0.014 g of CO2. Sending 33 e-mails containing 1 MB of data to 2 recipients per day and per person generates 180 kg of C02/year. Digital technology already consumes 10-15% of the world's electricity.

I refrain from sending an unimportant e-mail - I save 4g of CO2.

I refrain from sending 1 text message - I save 0.014 g of CO2.

I limit the number and size of attachments (compressed files, low-resolution PDFs, etc.), by giving preference to sending a web link.

I choose a laptop instead of a desktop computer.

Laptops use 50-80% less energy than desktop computers. However, do not forget to unplug the charger once the battery is fully charged to reduce your electricity bill.

Searching on the Internet for one minute consumes 100 watts on a desktop computer, 20 watts on a laptop, a few watts on a tablet, and even less on a phone. Source: ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency).

I will save money! A TV set-top box consumes 3 times as much as a standard TV set and an Internet router consumes 6 times as much. If you are not using it, do not leave it on standby. This will save you about 30 euros per year.

I choose what I eat

I cut down on the amount of meat I eat.

The FAO estimates that livestock production accounts for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions (7.1 Gt of CO2e per year). In particular, cattle farming is responsible for 2/3 of these emissions.

I buy locally and in season.

Buying directly from the producer is more ecological and cheaper than buying from the supermarket, especially for organic meat. And I am reducing the impact of transport!

I reduce food waste.

In France, 20 kg of waste per year and per person is thrown away, of which 7 kg is not consumed and is still packaged, which adds to the carbon footprint.

I drink tap water.

The manufacture of a one-litre plastic bottle represents approximately 160g of C02, which is equivalent to the emissions resulting from a 1km car journey, to which must be added the emissions linked to transport.

I will save money! Eliminating food waste will save an average of €208 per year per person.

I choose my modes of transport

I refrain from travelling by plane for short distances.

For journeys of less than 700 km, a high-speed train will get you to the city centre faster than a plane and limit your emissions (between 73 and 254 g of CO2/km/passenger for air travel compared to 14 g by train).

For short journeys, I choose to cycle or walk.

Cycling in the city can save time and reduce CO2 emissions (10 km by bike rather than by car, every day, saves 700 kg of CO2 emissions annually).

I will save money! A person who chooses to carpool rather than drive their car alone for a daily trip of 20 km saves €2,070/year

Check out the In the Eye of the Climate experience

Melting ice caps, rising sea levels, hurricanes, fires... 430m2 of floor-to-wall video projections and an immersive sound system to learn about and ex

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