United Nations Ocean Conference 2025: Nausicaá alongside the younger generation

The younger generation is making the case for the ocean.

Nausicaá is pursuing its commitment to preserving the oceans by joining the 18-30 generation at the United Nations Ocean Conference - UNOC that will take place in Nice in June 2025.

The Nice conference is a major event jointly organised by the governments of France and Costa Rica to come up with solutions to the challenges facing the Ocean. 

Nausicaá's expertise serving the younger generation

Drawing on its expertise in scientific mediation and its experience in mobilising young people, Nausicaá was commissioned by the Directorate-General for European Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to recruit young people who are passionately interested in the ocean and prepare them to represent the views of their generation at the Nice conference. Nausicaá will leverage its network of partners to facilitate dialogue between experts and representatives of young people.

In April 2024, Nausicaá will officially announce the youth consultation at the United Nations Conference - Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Barcelona, and will also take part in the preparatory meeting for the Nice conference in Costa Rica in June, primarily in an effort to find partners to run the youth workshops locally.

Getting young people on board

Starting in spring 2024, Nausicaá will be recruiting young people from all over the world to bring together a hundred or so men and women from every continent and every social background. Between May 2024 and January 2025, these young people will take part in a series of thematic online workshops on subjects such as the ocean and climate change, the high seas and the seabed, biodiversity, marine pollution and deep-sea mining. Over the course of these sessions, they will identify their priorities and the solutions they propose to put in place.

The outcomes of the various workshops will be finalised at a seminar at Nausicaá in March 2025, and the forty or so young people present will also be working on the mobile application aimed at disseminating their proposals.

This long-term project, which will keep the young people busy for over a year, will culminate in 10 people taking part in the United Nations Ocean Conference in June 2025. They will have the opportunity to present the results of the work carried out during these workshops, as well as the tool developed to promote their solutions. They will also take part in plenary sessions to voice the plea of the young generation for the ocean.


Nausicaá is co-funded by the DG Maritime Affairs (European funding) and Youth4Ocean.

The Nausicaá endowment fund is playing its part in organising the consultations with young people by funding the visit of around forty young people to Nausicaá for the seminar to finalise the results of the workshops.

Consultation des Jeunes - Citizen of the Ocean

Cette initiative de consultation des jeunes "Citizen of the Ocean Youth-led Forum" a obtenu l’approbation de la Décennie pour les sciences océaniques au service du développement durable en novembre 2024. 

United Nations Ocean Conference in 2025

The next United Nations Ocean Conference UNOC-3 will take place in Nice in June 2025, jointly organised by France and Costa Rica.

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